Don't get caught up with low budget internet deals for ridiculously low prices. All they do is put your name on some paperwork, give you the papers, and you have to do everything. You may have to go to court a couple of times, and figure everything out. (If the paperwork they give you is even correct.) You should ask if a lawyer is involved. If you’re looking for a low budget divorce Florida you must keep all this in mind.
Low Budget Divorce Florida
My service is completely different. I personally prepare all court required paperwork properly, file everything with the court, and you do not have to attend court if your case is uncontested. We also offer online notarization at very low cost. It is a great time saver and is super-efficient. It means you DON'T have to print documents, go to a notary, scan documents, or upload them. So for an uncontested divorce, you do not have to leave your home, ever. I have 42 years’ experience!