Call us if you would like to speak to a Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney.
(See second section below if your case is outside of South Florida)
Do you have a divorce or paternity matter pertaining to Fort Lauderdale, Broward, Palm Beach or Miami-Dade County? Have you been unable to reach a settlement agreement on the issues involved? Attorney Gruskin is here to help.He has thirty plus years courtroom experience and will appear in Court with you and handle every aspect of your case. He can assist with contested divorces, including issues about child support, timesharing/visitation, alimony, division of property and debt, enforcement (other party will not honor court orders regarding support etc.) modification of support, re-location and appeals.
Call Attorney Gruskin days, nights or weekends at 1-800-999-0119 with your questions, or to schedule a free consultation. Or, click here to Email Your Florida Divorce Questions to the attorney. Remember that divorces do not have to be emotionally or financially devastating. We know that you want your case over with quickly and inexpensively. Reaching a settlement rather than having the judge decide the issues will save you alot of time, money and aggravation. Mr. Gruskin, a thirty plus year Florida lawyer understands this. He will work toward settlement of your case. But if things cannot be resolved, he will fight hard in Court for you to get what you're entitled to under the law.
If your case is outside of South Florida
If you have not reached an agreement with your spouse about the issues in your case, and you are going to represent yourself, you can still have an attorney assist you with preparation of the papers that you will need for Court.(including a proposed settlement agreement if you think you may be able to settle with your spouse) Call Attorney Gruskin days, nights or weekends at 1-800-999-0119 . Or Click to Email Your Florida Divorce Questions to the attorney.
For a variety of reasons it is not recommended that you represent yourself but it is your right to do so. The danger of you preparing your own Court documents? No offense but you're not an attorney. If you use the wrong language in the paperwork, or if you don't think of something that should've been in the paperwork, you may have waived your right to ask for or contest certain things.
If you represent yourself you may find forms on the internet that make you feel it's a simple process. Be careful because those one size fits all forms don't necessarily address everything that you'll need for your case. (or address everything properly) Court is not as simple as filling out a form. Far from it. If you chose to represent yourself and have an attorney prepare your court paperwork and motions, the process is simple. You will have a phone consultation with thirty plus year Florida lawyer Arnie Gruskin. You will explain your case to him so that he has a complete understanding of the financial and other issues.
Mr. Gruskin will then provide you with information about your rights and responsibilities under Florida law. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions during the conference. Based upon the consultation the attorney will prepare documents that you will need for Court, such as the Petition For Dissolution of Marriage. If you are going to represent yourself, save the time and aggravation of trying to figure out the entire divorce court system. Have Mr. Gruskin prepare your necessary divorce court documents. Call Attorney Gruskin days, nights or weekends at 1-800-999-0119 . Or Click to Email Your Florida Divorce Questions to the attorney.