Whether you wish to hire a lawyer or are representing yourself, you can have an affordable, comprehensive divorce or paternity consultation with an attorney. Arnie Gruskin is a thirty plus year Florida Divorce attorney and would be happy to assist you. The consultation is $99 for 45 minutes.
During your consultation the lawyer will get a complete understanding of the economic and other issues in your case. You will learn about your rights and responsibilities under Florida divorce law and gain other helpful information. You will be able to ask any questions that you have. You will then be given a game plan for moving forward.
Consider that if you're going to represent yourself it is very difficult to negotiate a good deal on your case if you don't know your rights and responsibilities. Additionally, it may be extremely difficult to go into court and argue your own case if you know nothing about court procedure or divorce laws, or the court rules of evidence. A judge is not your advocate. The judge cannot help you on your case or hold you to a lower performance standard than a lawyer is held to. Often a self represented party does not know how to get evidence before the court and the evidence will thus not be considered. You could lose your case or some aspect of it even though you shouldn't.
And if you're thinking of going to mediation without an attorney, you certainly should learn about your rights and responsibilities under Florida law before you go. A mediator cannot be your advocate. They must remain neutral just as a judge must. You cannot count on them to help you get the result you want. Self representation can lead to some bad results. Using the wrong language in the settlement agreement or other paperwork can lead to a result that you do not want. And the time and aggravation of self representation may not be worth it. So call 1-800-999-0119 and schedule an affordable, extended, comprehensive consultation with the attorney. Or click here to tell us when you would like to schedule a Florida Divorce Consultation. You need to be armed with the proper information and knowledge to have a chance at successfully proceeding on your Florida divorce or paternity matter.