No Matter Where You Live in Florida
Several factors influence the cost of divorce in Florida. In an uncontested divorce where the parties have reached an agreement on all issues, the case can be concluded quickly and inexpensively. In fact it can be done completley online with no court appearance required. In an uncontested divorce, the costs range from $695.00 to $895.00 for the attorney fee, depending on whether children are involved. Costs can be substantial in a contested divorce. Contested divorce is where the parties cannot agree on one or more issues. It takes a lot of legal work to be ready to bring a contested divorce before the court for a decision. We are happy to answer all of your questions about divorce in Florida cost – just give us a call at 1-800-999-0119.

Divorce in Florida Cost
How do you know how much a divorce will cost? What is the divorce in Florida cost? If it’s an uncontested divorce the prices mentioned above are accurate. Lawyers charge by the hour for a contested divorce though, and it’s difficult to accurately predict how much attorney time will be put into a matter. Some of the factors which will determine the costs are: whether or not there are issues concerning children (custody/visitation/timesharing, and child support) and whether or not there are claims for alimony, or there are substantial property and debt issues. Also, whether there is a need for expert witnesses and analysts can make a big difference in cost. (You may in a particular case need an accountant for example to assist your attorney in figuring out complicated financial issues.) So predicting the cost of a contested divorce in Florida, even in a “simple” contested Florida divorce can be challenging.

How Much Does a Divorce Cost in Florida?
Florida divorce cost in a contested divorce can vary greatly depending on a number of issues as mentioned above. And if you don’t like the decision of the judge in your case, the cost can increase substantially if you appeal the decision. (Florida divorce cases are heard by a judge, not a jury). And as also stated above, you may need expert witnesses such as child care professionals to make a case for custody/timesharing. How much does a contested divorce cost in Florida? Retainer amounts and hourly fees for lawyers vary depending on experience etc. And court filing fees and the cost of copying and serving documents vary from case to case. Note that in certain circumstances your spouse may be ordered to pay/reimburse you for all or a portion of your attorney fees and costs in a contested divorce. That could occur if you have need for financial assistance and your spouse has the ability to pay.

What Does Divorce in Florida Cost?
The average cost of divorce in Florida can be estimated with some degree of certainty by a lawyer experienced with your type of case. While all cases are different, there are issues common to many Florida divorces. However, there’s no assurance that the lawyer’s estimate will be right. If the parties just want to fight and fight, the bill will be outside the normal range. But if your lawyer knows that you have a limited budget, they will approach the case and allocate resources accordingly and conservatively. The cost of uncontested divorce in Florida is far lower than in a contested divorce. Even if you cannot work out all issues with your spouse on your case, and you do have a contested divorce, the more issues you can settle, the less there is for the judge to decide and the attorney to prepare for, and hence the lower the attorney fee bill. This is why it's important to work with an attorney that is highly knowledgeable about Florida divorce laws.
Both parties may agree to get a divorce. But the devil is in the details. (ie you may disagree on child related issues if any, whether or not there will be alimony, and division of property and responsibility for debt.) Note that if the lawyers and parties cannot eventually reach a settlement, you will before trial need to attend mediation which is an additional cost. (Mediation is where a neutral party such as a lawyer or retired judge tries to help the parties settle the case). Unfortunately, if you cannot settle at mediation the cost of a Florida divorce trial on a contested divorce is substantial.
As every contested Florida divorce is unique, so are the cost possibilities – give us a call to get more info and to get started! Call 1-800-999-0119. Yes, you will spend a fair amount of money on a contested divorce. But Attorney Gruskin is a moderately priced lawyer given his 30 plus years of experience.

Cost of Divorce in Florida – What About Online?
One of the easiest options if you qualify for it is an online divorce Florida. An “online”, flat fee, low cost divorce can be done entirely by phone and email and does not require a court appearance or a trip to the lawyer’s office. In order to qualify, you and your spouse need to be in agreement on all issues of your case. And one of you has to be a Florida resident for at least six months. To find out more about pricing for a no court appearance required divorce in Florida, call Attorney Gruskin at 1-800-999-0119.

Divorce in Florida Cost – We Can Help!
The cost to file for divorce in Florida can be a daunting one if the divorce is contested. From filing and summons fees, to attorneys fees, it can seem as though you have no easy way out. Also, every divorce is unique, and spouses often are unaware of their rights and obligations. Mr. Gruskin can explain those rights and obligations, answer your questions, and help you get a fair deal. He offers low, flat rates for uncontested divorces, and moderate, flexible pricing for Florida contested divorces. Call today at 1-800-999-0119.