If your marriage is broken beyond repair, you may need a divorce attorney Boca Raton. Divorce is a tragic event which no couple ever wants to face. It’s sad when a great marriage falls apart, but divorces do happen all the time, so if you’re going through this situation it’s important to talk to a divorce lawyer to discuss your options. If you’re going through a divorce, sometimes a peaceful resolution can be reached. If you must file a contested marriage dissolution in Florida then it’s a good idea to talk to one of us first.
Divorce Attorney Boca Raton
One reason why having a Boca Raton divorce attorney is so important is that courts in Palm Beach County must divide property according to equitable distribution. While this might sound like a simple 50/50 division, this isn’t always the case. In fact, the idea is to have marital assets and debts distributed in a way that’s fair to each spouse. Determining fairness in divorce mediation is easier than doing it in a trial, but sometimes couples can’t compromise. When this happens, your divorce attorney Boca Raton can advocate for your best interests.
Boca Raton Divorce Attorney
Another time having a divorce lawyer Boca Raton is critical is if you and your spouse have minor children. Issues of custody and child support are among the most contentious in family law. Not only is there a lot of money at stake, but both spouses want to spend time with their children. Working with an experienced law firm will help ensure that your children are always considered. Boca Raton divorce attorneys will help balance competing priorities for the best resolution.
Divorce Attorneys Boca Raton
Marriages can break up for many reasons and a divorce lawyer Boca Raton can help you figure out what settlement works for your particular case. Your Boca Raton divorce attorney will advocate for you and help you reach a fair settlement. Just as importantly, an experienced lawyer doesn’t have an emotional stake in the outcome.
Divorce Lawyer Boca Raton
Unfortunately, there are situations where one spouse doesn’t cooperate with the court. When this happens, your divorce attorney Boca Raton FL can ask the court to enforce the court orders. Sometimes this is due to an inability to move on from the relationship. In other cases, a former spouse with support obligations can face a reduction in income. In these situations, an adjustment may be necessary to make it fair for both parties. Don’t face these challenges alone, though. We’re here to help.
Divorce Attorney Boca Raton FL
Can’t get an uncontested divorce, but think you can compromise? Divorce attorneys in Boca Raton FL can help you during mediation. In Florida, having minor children automatically triggers the longer divorce process. But that doesn’t mean you have to fight. We can help reduce the level of contention by finding a win-win solution early on. Call us today for a consultation.