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No Matter Where You Live in Florida
Arnie Gruskin, a thirty plus year Florida attorney now offers a no court appearance "online" divorce. There is no need to come to the attorney's office as all matters regarding your case can be handled by phone and email. This efficient process means lower pricing and faster service. This no court Florida uncontested divorce option is available no matter where in Florida you reside, and whether or not you have children. A final judgment of dissolution of marriage (divorce) is issued approximately 30 days from the time that all documents are filed by Mr. Gruskin at the courthouse.
A no court Florida Divorce is only available if your spouse is going to cooperate and you have an agreement on all issues, such as division of property, whether or not there will be alimony, and any child related issues such as child support and timesharing. (formerly know as "custody" and "visitation") Click Here For Pricing for Online No Court Florida Divorce
Once Mr. Gruskin is retained, a telephone conference will be scheduled so that he can gather all pertinent information that he needs to begin drafting the Court required documents for your case. During the conference Mr. Gruskin will answer your questions, advise you of your rights and responsibilities, and make sure you are getting a fair deal with your spouse.
Mr. Gruskin will then prepare your court required paperwork. The documents will be emailed to you so that you and your spouse can sign them and return them to Mr. Gruskin for filing.
The benefit of a no court appearance divorce is obvious. A trip (or trips) to the courthouse is avoided, and Mr. Gruskin files the case with the Clerk of Court on your behalf. While a no court appearance divorce is often a terrific option, it is not right for everyone.
The case will be filed in Collier County. (which is one of the only counties in Florida that allows a no court appearance divorce) Filing in Collier County can be problematic if, after the divorce, a party doesn't live up to their obligations under the settlement agreement. (such as failing to pay support or bills , not returning property, or not abiding by a visitation/timesharing provision for example) If the parties don't live near Collier County, they will either have to travel there or have the case transferred to their home county (which may not be possible) in order to deal with the problem.
A decision must thus be made as to whether it's advisable to opt for a no court appearance divorce. Whether or not you do, attorney Gruskin can represent you on your divorce. You will have ongoing access to him so that he can answer your questions, and guide you until you obtain your Florida divorce.